

Children start to explore the world around them as soon as they are born. At Swakopmund Christian Academy, the play group curriculum enables children to continue their exploration.

Early experiences in the first few years of life are critical for acquisition of skills as maximum brain development happens during this period.

This program will foster social, aesthetic and motor skills in young children. This program helps infants and toddlers develop their latent language and maths skills through the Glenn Doman method.


English Language Arts & Literacy, Mathematics, Science/Basic Science, Social Skill Development/Social Studies, Physical Education, Arts & Crafts/Music, Computer, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills, Sports

Key learning areas

Develop independent, creative
and critical thinkers


Our Kindergarten students spend one- on- one time reading every day with our reading instructor


Children’s math experiences expand as they count higher, compare more, make graphs, expand patterning skills

Bible Studies

Our beliefs are that the Bible is the Word of God. This also means in school it is important to teach the important things

Circle Time

This helps children learn how to function in a group setting ~ that there is a time to talk and a time to listen


Students are involved in many fun art projects consisting of different mediums such as painting, play dough, cutting...

Physical Education

The main goal for our pre-kindergarten classes is to focus on their basic locomotive skills